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Welcome To the

Border Town Parishes

St. Patrick's Church

119 North Market Street

Momence, IL 60954
(815) 472-2864

St. Anne's Church

230 N 6th Avenue

St. Anne, IL 60964
(815) 427-8265

Mass Times


Religious Education

Upcoming Events

Online Mass for the

Fourth Sunday of Lent

at the Border Town Parishes March 30, 2025

Celebrated at St. Patrick's Church

119 N. Market Street

Momence, IL  60954

On this "Laetare Sunday," students from Christendom College offer reflections of their week-long ministry in our Border Town Community. Fr. Pete's homily focuses on these students, explaining his association with Mr. Timothy Cook and the students and staff from the college and how the this ministry of welcome and hospitality has allowed our community to grow and prosper!

Throughout this week's video, we offer highlights from the students' Spring Break Mission Week at the Border Town Community as well as hymns offered by the students during this mission.

In 2008, (Arch)Bishop J. Peter Sartain asked Fr. Pete to Lead a "Day of Reflection" for the Bishop's Office in the Diocese of Joliet. Utilizing three accessible images that could be grasped by all personnel working in the diocese, Fr. Pete presented a series of three talks, accompanied by small group sharing sessions, that focused on the themes of "Sacrifice, Suffering and Mercy." For the benefit of the Border Town Communities, Fr. Pete recorded (and updated) these three talks for the benefit of the communities he serves.

The First for Fr. Pete's Three Lenten Talks utilizes St. Bonaventure's image of "Fountain Fullness" to explain the importance of overflowing love that must accompany the people of faith. The images offered in this reflection to illustrate this theme are those of a donut shop, salt and water and the blessings of the Lord's Grace that are found in these simple themes of life. The basis for this talk comes from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah 25: 6-10a.

Please continue to support our local parishes –

we need your support to continue our mission!

To support St. Patrick's Church,

please contact us at (815) 472-2864

or write us at 119 North Market Street - Momence, IL 60954.

To support St. Anne's Church,

please contact us at (815) 427-8265

or write us at 230 N. 6th Ave. - St. Anne, IL 60964.

Christendom College

Spring Break Mission Trip 2025

For the second time in two years, Tim Cook (Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students) sent a group of students and staff to the Eastern Kankakee area for a week of service, prayer and fellowship. Led by CC Staff Pam Plasberg and Jessica McClelland, the students were able to celebrate Masses at St. Patrick's Church & Good Shepherd Manor (Momence, IL), St. Anne's Church (St. Anne, IL), Maternity BVM Church (Bourbonnais, IL), St. George Church (Bourbonnais, IL), the Annunciation Monastery in Minooka, IL and the Cerrito de Camino y Esperanza Retreat House in St. Anne, IL.

While on Spring Break Mission, the students were able to work on the following projects...

  • Removing, "planing" and re-installing wooden planks on the picnic tables at Good Shepherd Manor (Momence, IL)
  • Painting the Parish Basement Hall at St. Patrick's Church (Momence, IL)
  • Finishing a Gymnasium Renovation Project at St. Patrick's Academy & Community Center Gymnasium (Momence, IL)
  • Painting Rooms at Bishop McNamara High School (Kankakee, IL)
  • Renovating a Child Care Center into a Community Center (Pembroke Township)

Much thanks to Kristen Stockle and the good souls at Good Shepherd Manor for housing the students during the week. Much thanks to everyone who made this wonderful Spring Break Mission possible!!!


Irish Mass & Dinner Highlights

at St. Patrick's Church - Momence

Please continue to support our local parishes –

we need your support to continue our mission!

To support St. Patrick's Church, please contact us at (815) 472-2864

or write us at 119 North Market Street - Momence, IL 60954.

To support St. Anne's Church, please contact us at (815) 427-8265

or write us at 230 N. 6th Ave. - St. Anne, IL 60964.

Parish Ministry Links

Other Catholic Links...

We have reduced St. Patrick's Debt by almost $300,000 in the Last Three Years!!!

The Parishes of the Border Town!

St. Patrick's Church

Momence, IL

St. Patrick's Church

Daily Mass: Wed-Fri 9:15 a.m.

Adoration: Th 10:00-11:00 a.m.

Spanish Mass Friday 7:00 p.m.

Saturday Mass: 4:00 p.m.

Sun Mass in English: 10:30 a.m.

Sun Mass in Spanish: 12:00 p.m.

The Rosary is Prayed

Prior to Every Mass

Spanish Rosary and Catechesis on Wednesdays and the 12th of Each Month at 6:30 p.m.

Office Hours: Mon, Wed & Thu 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Email Rectory

St. Anne's Church

St. Anne, IL

St. Anne's Church


Wednesday Mass 5:00 p.m.

First Friday 5:00 p.m

Sunday Confessions 8:30 a.m.

Sunday Mass: 9:00 a.m.

The Rosary is Prayed

Prior to Every Mass


Office Hours: Mon-Tue

9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Email Rectory

St. Anne's & St. Patrick's

Church Photo Directories

Thanks to Anne Andrade, Ruth Sparenberg & Joanne Hermann for editing the following Photo Directories from the Church History of the Border Town Parishes!

Help support our parishes buy purchasing copies of Fr. Pete's Homiletic Books! You can purchase them online at

Acquiring a Papal Blessing

The Vatican provides a wonderful opportunity to receive an Apostolic Blessing for Birthdays, Baptisms, First Communions, Confirmations, Weddings, Religious Professions, Ordinations and Anniversaries of these sacraments. Fr. Pete offers a special blessing for married couples on the first Sunday weekend of each month and can purchase an Apostolic Blessing for anyone who asks (and if he can afford it... since he pays out of pocket!!!

If you are interested in receiving an Apostolic Blessing, you can do so by clicking the link to the left or by calling the parish offices.





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