As we turn to a new season in Ordinary Time, we begin with the first of seven miracles described in the Gospel of John (Jn 2: 1-11); each season of Ordinary Time also begins with passages from St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians (in this case, 1 Corinthians 12: 4-11). In these cases, Fr. Pete discusses the importance of us working together as a "Body of Christ," bonded by the Holy Spirit, with Christ as the head. So many individuals in our community share so many different and unique talents essential to allow this body to grow. In today's homily, Fr. Pete challenges the parishioners under his care to share their unique gifts of Time, Talent and Financial Resources for the betterment of the community we serve.
Thanks to Anne Andrade, Ruth Sparenberg & Joanne Hermann for editing the following Photo Directories from the Church History of the Border Town Parishes!
The Vatican provides a wonderful opportunity to receive an Apostolic Blessing for Birthdays, Baptisms, First Communions, Confirmations, Weddings, Religious Professions, Ordinations and Anniversaries of these sacraments. Fr. Pete offers a special blessing for married couples on the first Sunday weekend of each month and can purchase an Apostolic Blessing for anyone who asks (and if he can afford it... since he pays out of pocket!!!
If you are interested in receiving an Apostolic Blessing, you can do so by clicking the link to the left or by calling the parish offices.