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October 3, 2023
The Gospels clearly say that Jesus rose in a human, bodily form. (And that’s important.) The Resurrection wouldn’t have been the Resurrection if Jesus had, say, appeared like Obi-Wan Kenobi at the end of “Return of the Jedi.” Jesus isn’t some disembodied spirit who flickers and glows with a knowing smile and nothing in the way of practical advice. Instead, he walks again among us. In person. In the flesh. There are lessons for us in that choice. WE’RE THE WHOLE PACKAGE: First of all, it tells us that the human body is sacred. Put more simply, it tells us that the human body is good. That, in turn, tells us that there must be something awfully special about us. After all, if a human body was good enough for the risen Lord to reoccupy instead of coming back as some bigger-than-life figure in the clouds, then our bodies — and everything that comes with them — should certainly be good enough for us. GOD THINKS YOU’RE A “10”: More than that, it should teach us that we should love what we’ve been given. Funny thing about bodies — we only get one. It’s important to take care of it. Eat right. Exercise. All that. Yes. But it really boils down to loving ourselves for what we are: tall or short, big or small, straight or curly hair. Our bodies are, indeed, temples, regardless of their current condition. DRESS IT UP AND TAKE IT OUT: The other lesson Jesus’ resurrection teaches us is that there is great value and importance to presenting ourselves to one another physically. We live in an increasingly detached world. Think of the impact if Mary Magdelene had known of Jesus’ resurrection only because his Facebook status had changed. Doesn’t have quite the same oomph. Jesus returned to his friends and his followers. He didn’t just send word. He didn’t appear in a dream. He presented himself bodily … and in doing so encourages us to do the same. Let’s remember to pay respect to our own temples; let’s love one another without forgetting the “love ourselves” part; and let’s be there for one another … body and soul. This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
October 3, 2023
Hearing that statement likely draws to mind the actions of you or someone you know: dedication of time to a special ministry or charitable organization; a craft or art given to loved ones, the parish or a local group; the attention of parents, coaches or teachers for children and youth; the care of health professionals and volunteers for the ill, elderly or those who are dying. These can be real “labors of love.” When we consider it this way, stewardship is a labor of love: we love God, we recognize that all we are and have come from God alone, and, out of this love and gratitude, we respond by being good stewards of our time, our presence and prayer, our talents and material resources. We become more intentional about the ways we use our lives and resources, and are then less willing to waste them. Sometimes our stewardship is noticeable and requires a substantial commitment. Yet the simple daily tasks of our lives can also include labors of love: a caring thought shared; a simple meal prepared, even on the run; a load of laundry accomplished; an encouraging hug at the end of a long day. These are also the ways of stewardship, as we care for, nurture and bring to increase the stuff of our lives, no matter how great or small it may seem. A young woman, Kelli, shared with a group of friends this week this sentiment when she said: “You changed my life. You may not even know it, but your presence and willingness to bring me into your group gave me the confidence I needed so very much.” Kelli’s friends were good stewards of their attention, and from her sharing we see the impact of their labor of love. This article comes to you from Grace In Action ( Our Sunday Visitor ) courtesy of your parish or diocese
October 3, 2023
Lk 9:51-56 Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem is both a path through suffering and a march to glory. Jesus tells the disciples to expect the same. On the journey, they encounter hostility from the Samaritans. Jesus tells the disciples that retaliation to such treatment is not the way. In a world where “an eye for an eye …” is the norm, we pray to have the courage to lead others to pardon and peace. This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
October 3, 2023
“Let us ask the Lord for the grace to be simple and humble people, the grace to be able to weep, the grace to be meek, the grace to work for justice and peace, and above all the grace to let ourselves be forgiven by God so as to become instruments of his mercy.” — Pope Francis
October 3, 2023
The Gospels clearly say that Jesus rose in a human, bodily form. (And that’s important.) The Resurrection wouldn’t have been the Resurrection if Jesus had, say, appeared like Obi-Wan Kenobi at the end of “Return of the Jedi.” Jesus isn’t some disembodied spirit who flickers and glows with a knowing smile and nothing in the way of practical advice. Instead, he walks again among us. In person. In the flesh. There are lessons for us in that choice. WE’RE THE WHOLE PACKAGE: First of all, it tells us that the human body is sacred. Put more simply, it tells us that the human body is good. That, in turn, tells us that there must be something awfully special about us. After all, if a human body was good enough for the risen Lord to reoccupy instead of coming back as some bigger-than-life figure in the clouds, then our bodies — and everything that comes with them — should certainly be good enough for us. GOD THINKS YOU’RE A “10”: More than that, it should teach us that we should love what we’ve been given. Funny thing about bodies — we only get one. It’s important to take care of it. Eat right. Exercise. All that. Yes. But it really boils down to loving ourselves for what we are: tall or short, big or small, straight or curly hair. Our bodies are, indeed, temples, regardless of their current condition. DRESS IT UP AND TAKE IT OUT: The other lesson Jesus’ resurrection teaches us is that there is great value and importance to presenting ourselves to one another physically. We live in an increasingly detached world. Think of the impact if Mary Magdelene had known of Jesus’ resurrection only because his Facebook status had changed. Doesn’t have quite the same oomph. Jesus returned to his friends and his followers. He didn’t just send word. He didn’t appear in a dream. He presented himself bodily … and in doing so encourages us to do the same. Let’s remember to pay respect to our own temples; let’s love one another without forgetting the “love ourselves” part; and let’s be there for one another … body and soul. This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
October 3, 2023
Hearing that statement likely draws to mind the actions of you or someone you know: dedication of time to a special ministry or charitable organization; a craft or art given to loved ones, the parish or a local group; the attention of parents, coaches or teachers for children and youth; the care of health professionals and volunteers for the ill, elderly or those who are dying. These can be real “labors of love.” When we consider it this way, stewardship is a labor of love: we love God, we recognize that all we are and have come from God alone, and, out of this love and gratitude, we respond by being good stewards of our time, our presence and prayer, our talents and material resources. We become more intentional about the ways we use our lives and resources, and are then less willing to waste them. Sometimes our stewardship is noticeable and requires a substantial commitment. Yet the simple daily tasks of our lives can also include labors of love: a caring thought shared; a simple meal prepared, even on the run; a load of laundry accomplished; an encouraging hug at the end of a long day. These are also the ways of stewardship, as we care for, nurture and bring to increase the stuff of our lives, no matter how great or small it may seem. A young woman, Kelli, shared with a group of friends this week this sentiment when she said: “You changed my life. You may not even know it, but your presence and willingness to bring me into your group gave me the confidence I needed so very much.” Kelli’s friends were good stewards of their attention, and from her sharing we see the impact of their labor of love. This article comes to you from Grace In Action ( Our Sunday Visitor ) courtesy of your parish or diocese
October 3, 2023
Lk 9:51-56 Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem is both a path through suffering and a march to glory. Jesus tells the disciples to expect the same. On the journey, they encounter hostility from the Samaritans. Jesus tells the disciples that retaliation to such treatment is not the way. In a world where “an eye for an eye …” is the norm, we pray to have the courage to lead others to pardon and peace. This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
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